Friday, October 30, 2009

Minimum Payments. Ugh.

Just typing those three words made my eyes bleed.

I know all of my balling out of control banker friends will shake their heads at me, but look, I don't make as much money as you, and my credit card has been faithful to me when I needed her most, okay? She did cheat on me with finance charges and annual fees, but I keep coming back because sometimes she's all I got and because sometimes I'll charge Chipotle. Don't judge.

Anyway, not sure if you recall, but one of my major goals was to do the debt reduction plan from CNN Money. Three years and out of debt, based on these numbers that tell you exactly what you should pay each month on each balance. Pretty rad, eh?

I hate drama but unfortunately it loves me and an unexpected move jacked up all my plans. I'm now settled, but it'll be a while until I can do the plan again - perhaps after the holidays? I plan on getting my parents nicer presents this year. Like a sweet card with three paragraphs of life-long overdue thanks, rather than last year's two paragraphs. I'm on a budget.

But I'm trying not to use the cards while I pay these smaller amounts and not add on to the balances like I used to. The purpose of this blog is to document my saving and spending habits but mostly it's about getting out of debt. How can I do this without paying more than the minimums? I know it's only a three month hiatus, but I want to rock this bitch. Is anyone else in a similar boat? That is, you currently (or used to) pay down, then use, pay down, then use your card(s)? How did you remedy this situation? Did you work two jobs? Did you cut things out of your life? HOW DID YOU GET OUT OF DEBT? TELL ME. FEED ME SEYMOUR.

Hey New Yorkers: know of any part-time gigs? I can cocktail like nobody's business.

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