Friday, October 30, 2009

Minimum Payments. Ugh.

Just typing those three words made my eyes bleed.

I know all of my balling out of control banker friends will shake their heads at me, but look, I don't make as much money as you, and my credit card has been faithful to me when I needed her most, okay? She did cheat on me with finance charges and annual fees, but I keep coming back because sometimes she's all I got and because sometimes I'll charge Chipotle. Don't judge.

Anyway, not sure if you recall, but one of my major goals was to do the debt reduction plan from CNN Money. Three years and out of debt, based on these numbers that tell you exactly what you should pay each month on each balance. Pretty rad, eh?

I hate drama but unfortunately it loves me and an unexpected move jacked up all my plans. I'm now settled, but it'll be a while until I can do the plan again - perhaps after the holidays? I plan on getting my parents nicer presents this year. Like a sweet card with three paragraphs of life-long overdue thanks, rather than last year's two paragraphs. I'm on a budget.

But I'm trying not to use the cards while I pay these smaller amounts and not add on to the balances like I used to. The purpose of this blog is to document my saving and spending habits but mostly it's about getting out of debt. How can I do this without paying more than the minimums? I know it's only a three month hiatus, but I want to rock this bitch. Is anyone else in a similar boat? That is, you currently (or used to) pay down, then use, pay down, then use your card(s)? How did you remedy this situation? Did you work two jobs? Did you cut things out of your life? HOW DID YOU GET OUT OF DEBT? TELL ME. FEED ME SEYMOUR.

Hey New Yorkers: know of any part-time gigs? I can cocktail like nobody's business.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cheap costume ideas?

Who's got them? When I say cheap, I mean I could affix household item A to household item B, attach it to my body, throw on flasies and BAM! I'm Latika from Slumdog Millionaire. Remember, this blog is about maximizing my life for less but I still need to be a smokeshow so I can flirt appropriately. Is this achievable?

Tips? Tricks? Trick or Treat?

Help me.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

For my buddies in Midtown - lucky! Gosh.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It's nearing Halloween! Let's talk about my SpOoKy bank balances.

Boo, dude. It's scary. So broke.

Oh how I love my little studio and how cozy and charming she's becoming, but sweet baby Jesus she's expensive. I know I've posted about waiting for certain large purchases, but honestly how is a girl supposed to host hot suitors without a couch?

So I bought a couch. She's not HGTV-worthy. In fact, she's more of the BEFORE picture pedigree, but she's mine (why I am personifying everything lately?). Anyhow, got the khaki colored sofa at Jennifer Convertibles for $300, well under my original budget and quite comfy despite it being from...Jennifer Convertibles.

Alas those 300 bones were a sacrifice. The couch set me back a few and I have less than Sir MC Hammer in the bank at the moment. Paying for the usual necessities may be tough until payday (and sadly after as well). But I'm optimistic. Bills? All included in my budget, so that's cool. I got that part down at least. Groceries? Don't need 'em. I'm surprisingly well-stocked thanks to a recent care package from le parental unit and a five-for-$5 sale at CVS.

So though I could take you to a digital haunted house via my Chase checking account, things could be worse. See Perspective. I do wish, however, the previously mentioned Jesus would make it rain dollar bills on/near/around East Third Street. Geez.

MUST get a part time job. Or sell things.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Just wanted to mention...


This might not seem like a big deal to you, but I live in New York. Also known as, "The City that Never Sleeps and Never Stops Spending." Or so I've heard.

Think of the obstacles I have triumphed over/avoided today:

830AM - Fruit cart on the way to work: usually buy a banana. Today? DENIED, Mohammed!
1045AM - Browsed J. Crew and ShopBop. Can you read?? I browsed!
1230PM - Lunchtime. I brownbagged and watched instantly on Netflix as per usual. Bliss.
330PM - Afternoon snack? Green tea and chocolate on the company dime, stocked in the kitchen. Pure bliss.
7PM - Reheated the chicken tacos I made last night. Muy bueno y sin dinero.
9PM - Took a bath and read Essence while listening to depressing, yet romantic, old school Feist. Totally free and freeing.
1125PM - Realized that I have yet to pay my Time Warner bill that is due today. Paying that ish tomorrow online just to save face. I'm on a roll, alright?

So proud and I didn't even plan this! Let's see how tomorrow goes, shall we?


Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Sometimes things happen in life, like say, a rushed move to a new apartment, bills, a tough time at work or a break up with a soulless human being. But it could be worse. I made it into said apartment, I'm working on my finances, I'm trying harder at work and I wasn't attracted to the douchebag anyway - his smile was the only thing going for him and that was manufactured. It's all worked out or is working out and I've already moved on. C'est la vie.

Terrible things are happening all over the world, most recently the disasters in Southeast Asia, but everyday people are dying of hunger and AIDS and things I could never ever fathom.

People are being laid off every second.

My brother's in Iraq right now. It's by choice, but he's in IRAQ. I mean geez, I can moan all day long about the increasing Metrocard costs and evil boys with Napeleon complexes, but I'm not fighting for my country in 120 degree weather, 6000 miles away.

Have you read The Diving Bell and the Butterfly?!

I'm not saying my problems are insignificant or not worth talking about, it's just that in the big scheme of things, I have a roof over my head. In the big scheme of things, I'll work through my debt and figure out what I want to do career wise. Apparently, eventually a good guy will come along when I least expect it (or that's what everyone tells me). Putting things in perspective and realizing that you are fortunate can really bring your life back into focus.

In the meantime, I'm going to put all the energy I have into being a better person, a better daughter, sister and friend. Change starts with you (and more than likely ends with you) and nothing can come from being stagnant, right? There are so many things that I want to do and I can't be all talk anymore. Steve Jobs tore out a page from a magazine about 25 years ago and I have the scan of it posted on my desk. STAY HUNGRY, STAY FOOLISH. We should all attempt to follow this mantra everyday.

Just so you know, the good things outnumber the bad in my life by an exponential amount.


PS - Nothing good comes out of Duke except for basketball losses.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Busy, but making a little time for my arch enemy, DEBT

I have been unbelievably busy. Like every hour of everyday carved out for me kind of busy.

But I'm still fighting to beat down my debt, a number that cannot be named. Going forward, said debt will be called VOLDEMORT. Voldermort is a bitch.

An aside: I hate mixing my pop culture references, but has anyone starting watching Heroes: Season 4, yet? They're introducing all these new characters with crazy cool powers. A deaf woman has the power to "visually hear" things she sees through spurts of color! Another character has enhanced speed - that is, he can rip you to shreds with knives in 10 seconds. Those writers have great imaginations. I guess that's what they're paid for, but how about introducing a super hot black girl? She can be a sort of modern day Robin hood whose ability is taking loot out of banker's bonuses and paying off poor folks debt! What do you think?! Her first save? Herself.

Back to the busy, I just moved into a new studio last week (HURRAH!) and though living single has benefits galore, the start up stuff is costly. But I am not using my credit cards to make any purchases! I've been working hard and cutting back! I think I'm also taking the advice of friends and saving up for the big purchases. Sure, I could buy a nice couch tomorrow, but then I'd struggle a bit until the end of the month. Instead I'm going to save little by little until I'm ready to buy the couch and all guests will have spoon with me until I get it. Cool?

If you guys know of where to find cheap sofabeds, please let me know! I'm also looking for some cute curtains to replace the black garbage bags presently covering my windows. Mucho feo, seƱors.