Tuesday, September 1, 2009

bad news, good news: lunches

Bad news: I bought lunch today at Flavors.
Good news: I cut that ish in half and will eat the rest tomorrow.
Spent: ~$10
Paid: via Debit Card

My mother taught me to do that years ago, but since living in NYC and even back in college years, I never wanted to take stuff home because I was rarely going home. I was always going to straight to the bar after dinner or to a friend's house or something - and I never wanted to carry my foil duck around the club. Tres tacky, no?

But now we exclaim, "We're in a recession! Wrap it up!" at dinner tables the world over. I've been in a personal recession since I signed my soul over to the College Foundation circa fall 2000, but in typical (and former) Blaire style, I never took left overs home. The next day at work, I would charge a soup and salad at Pret instead. Pathetic.

Thoughts? What are your tricks and tips on getting by for cheap when it comes to lunches, dinner, etc? Do you buy in bulk on Sunday to last all week? How can you buy healthy but cheap options? That is my biggest concern.

*Would also like to mention that I will NOT be documenting my spending like this. Not this often, not daily. I think I'll just write about topics where I can save or where I have made mistakes - in this case, both somehow.

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